Today is National Day of Prayer. SO what better time to send up our thoughts, fears, hopes, and joys!
Heavenly Father, today we pray for everyone. YES, we all need help from above.... I pray for little Miss Addi, who is recovering from surgery in Denver. Please help her to heal and to be able to eat, we want her to come home and be with her family. Lord, please see that all those who are in need of surgeries, that you help them recover and heal. Lord, please help all of my dear friends with all of their tribulations.... they are dear to me! Please bless and guide all of the graduates to see what path they are to follow for their futures. It is a difficult time to be an adult, and make wise choices. Lord, please lay your hands on those who are traveling, and help them to be safe. Please Lord, let us see your blessings in each of our lives..... we love you so. Lord, hear our prayer.............AMEN.
14 hours ago