Monday, May 26, 2008

It's a party.....

"Summer vacation is a party!"
My kids have proclaimed. Staying up late, eating late supper, and not bathing everyday.... Yep, even sleeping in the living room with tons of blankets! YIPPEEE! They are having a hay-day....

Me, well, I am trying to keep them from wrestling and hurting each other. Swinging bats, and golf clubs, and flying balls have proved to be dangerous in the back yard. So, injuries are bound to happen no matter what! They are having a great time! We got out their tent to play in yesterday.... they proceeded to smash all of the tent poles..... it went to the dumpster within a couple of hours. BOYS!!!! They are so rambunctious! ARGH!

We went for a long bike ride with Angie yesterday while Jeffey had a nap. Boy, I am feeling it in my thighs.... no pain, no gain, huh? Oh, my lettuce is up, and can't wait to eat some! I did get my tomatoes and cukes in the ground before the rain. Jeff has yet to get his in, as they must harden off first... Some of my iris are blooming, and can't wait until the red ones bloom, they are my favorite ones.

Well, bought our tickets for a Rockies game on the 10th of June. We are planning a trip to the zoo, and to Casa Bonita's. I have never been to any of these places, and am pretty excited! I have only been to the downtown (old) airport. My Ma said, yes I have been to the zoo as a baby. Hmmm, guess it's time we go to Denver. Jeff hasn't been either, so an adventure awaits us! YEA! Any suggestions for places for us not to miss while there?????We will leave whenever Jeff gets in from work, and stay only a couple of days.

Okay, Jeffey is making brunch. I told him to try to make it low-fat...... we will see!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. the poor tent! hey guess zennia's (i think that's what they are) have sprouted!!! yay, i'm soooo excited!


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