Monday, August 25, 2008

"No Pain, No gain...."

Yep, I'm still getting up at 0600 to exercise. It sucks! But, I guess it is what I have to do. I saw the beautiful sunrise..... I was inspired and could see myself at 160lbs. Wow would I be a hot mama! Plus think of the clothing possibilities?!?! If you are naturally thin, count yourself EXTREMELY lucky. As for being naturally thick, well let's just say that "nothing comes easy".

Anyhow, yesterday the kiddo's went to the farm to spend the day while I was at work. They had a great time riding the dirt bike (Andy can start it himself now) and the horse, and or course jumping on the jumpaline(kids word for it). Plus, they got spoiled with lots of Popsicles!

Well, off to work, then working on a bunch of projects for Marisa's baby shower on Wednesday.


(buttes pic with cell phone)

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