Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Hiatus.....

(Kids profiles 2009.... Doesn't Andy look like Paul Newman?)

-----Please refer to disclaimer referred to in the past...... Please don't read my blog if you are going to be offended and judgemental. This is my blog, therefore, MY opinion.... Thank YOU for your understanding.---

Yes, I know that some of you have wondered what the heck we have been up to.... Huh? What a boring blog, Beck!?!! I have been hesitant to write what I have pent up in my little head..... But, I thought to myself, this is MY blog; so why not be my usual, opinionated-self? I know that many of my friends love me for who I am and know that I am a fun-loving, devoted, opinionated, & loyal, friend. So, with that said, here goes:

Our family traveled to Paxton for Labor day. We took the first stop in town, The Winery for a bottle of wine we shared immediately with our family. We spoke to the owner, Pat, again about the possibility of opening a tasting room here in Crawford. He is all for it, and will help us in anyway he can. We dream of a Coffee/Wine place here in Crawford. I am am praying for my dream to become a reality! I hope to feature local artists, photographers, and craftspeople, too. It is a excited future for us!
Anyhow, we then went to the Windy Gap and had some jello shots while our kids played video games and had fun with their cousins.... Yep, we chased them down with a few beers, too! YUM! Our entire family was there to join in the "Husker Pre-Party." Then on Sunday, Jeffey & I golfed (with help of lots of Advil) with our brother in-law and Sisters.... We WON first in our flight! So, we won a couple of hundred $$$$ which we donated to the Paxton Baseball Association.... they too need lots of equipment. We had a great time, drank some beers, ate a yummy steak dinner, and had a wonderful bonding time with the family.
The kids had fun with their Grandparents & cousins playing baseball, football, babies, and riding their bikes. It was nice to get away with our Daddy-O.
This past week has been tough with Matt. The Dr. doubled his meds. as he is growing so much.... and he is frustrated sometimes..... enough that he has quite a few meltdowns here at home. SO, with therapy we hope this helps.... it is tough raising a Autism Spectrum child. Pray for us....
Last Saturday, our beloved fairy-godmother Trish came to visit! She also got roped into helping with the Tractor Pull. We had a great time announcing the Pull, and watching Papa win! The kids, Grandma, Auntie, Unckie and Miranda were there to cheer him on. We also got to snuggle baby Cash, and visit with Brandi and Debbie. What a nice day we had! Plus, we got to scrap a little in the evening..... very therapeutic..... scrapping with your pals is great!
Well, Andy has signed up for flag football. All of their games are EVERY Saturday morning in October. They will play in Chadron, but practice here. YEA! I love football, too!
Matt will be taking some art classes in Chadron, at the Art Studio. He will go Thursdays when we go for therapy..... I think that he will love this, as he LOVES to color/draw, and be creative. I hope this will help him....
Well, I go for another shot in the back next Tuesday. I hope this helps, as so far, no relief..... YUCK! On the days that I feel good, I think to myself, LETS GET SOMETHING DONE TODAY! Then, I start to hurt! DAMN! It is a long ways from my heart, though...... So, I just sit on ice and pet my puppy, Annie!
My parents have returned from their trip to Alaska a few weeks ago. They had a fab time riding the train, cruising, and fishing for halibut..... What a nice trip they had!
Well, thats about all I have.......Take Care all of you!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are back! Just be yourself, Beck, and those who truly care about you will love you no matter what! Blog what you wanna blog, say what you wanna say, and enjoy life! It's too short to sit around and worry about what other people think! =)


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