Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Umm, now what?

(Jess & I March 15, 2008)

Good Day pals!

How are you all? We are soo enjoying the beautiful weather. Meggie and I went on a huge long walk with Lisa this morning.... Whew! We felt the burn! It felt good, as no pain, no gain(or loss). SO, then we did a little highlights on Lisa's hair and ate a yummy chef's salad. I went to bed as it was nap time for Meggie and Mommy. I hadn't been to bed yet. I was called for 2:30 this morning, and got off at 8:30 this morning. ARGH!

Meggie is refusing to be potty trained, and won't even go and get her own diaper today. What a little 2 year old.... very frustrating.

The boys are ornery as usual.... won't do what they are told unless I threaten them. Hmmmm, just think my patience is at a minimum.

Sleep will make it all go away!

Take Care!

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