Okay, I did well today. I packed a healthy lunch for work (went at 7:30 am) and drank LOTS of water. Unusual for me, as I hate using the train potty.... try to use the great outdoors more. Who care's who see's my BIG naked butt! Anyhow, I ellipticaled for 20 mins. and lifted some weights. Jeffey is my personal trainer on the weights, as I know nothing about them.... just need some results FAST! Today, I have the results..... PAIN! SORE MUSCLES! I know, "no pain, no gain!" is another of my mantras. Okay, ate at Taco Johns with Ma & Pa, and only had two tacos! YEA! Ma took us out for supper after I helped clean the cabin and drove her to town to meet Papa. We then went to Walmart to finish up the grocery shopping and a last minute Christmas gift. Yep, we have Christmas at the Betson Ranch on New Years Day this year. We have a yummy meal planned following the Husker game. Then we will play some games of our own, great to have some family time with my brother and his family, too.
Okay, off to the basement to get warm.... Jeffey has a fire brewing...... Yea!
Tired and have a headache tonight! (kids wore me out @ Walmart with "can I have this?" every two seconds!)
14 hours ago
Good Luck Becky with the weight loss. I will Cheer you on!!!